Instant Load Matching Across Top Load Boards

Load Ninja seamlessly integrates with leading load boards to match your vehicles with new loads instantly. Gain a competitive edge with AI-powered pricing predictions and be the first to capture the best opportunities. See how with a free demo or start your 14-day trial now!
Load Ninja
The software offers quick suggestions, maximizing load opportunities with real-time load matching.
Find a suitable cargo
Our service will select the most suitable vehicles in real-time, using intelligent distance calculation.
Select a nearby vehicle
Just enter the price, hit send, and leave the rest to us. Broker will receive all the necessary information in just one click.
Send automated response
Answer a few questions and start 14-day free trial.
Centralized Load Access
Significant simplification of work and profit growth due to the automation of many processes.
Work with loads from different load boards in one place and never miss a load again.
You'll be the first to respond, increasing your chances of securing loads.
About Load Ninja
Load Ninja is for winners. With our AI-powered pricing, you’ll always offer the best bid. Be the first to win loads and see your profits climb. Start your risk-free trial and outpace the competition.
Ready for a
Dispatch Revolution?
Load Ninja
Seize the opportunity.
Start your 14-day free trial today.